
Tuigel Company profile

투이젤 회사 설명

Honest Soap – One bar that can do absolutely everything

진실된 솝 – 모든 것을 한곳에 담은 클렌징바

Our soap is kept at its natural pH & neutralize acidic secretion

& leave skin moist and hydrated .

Get a Good product without risking any damage to the skin at all!

우리 비누는 자연의 pH를 유지하고 산성 피부분비물을 중화해요.

그리고 피부를 촉촉하게 하죠.

피부를 위협하지 않는 좋은 제품을 쓰세요!

TUIGEL Totara Fresh with the goodness of Totarol from the Totara tree and Manuka Honey from the Manuka flower has antibacterial properties to help fight bacteria in the mouth and throat that can cause sore throat and gum disease. Recent scientific studies have identified a possible link between gum disease causing bacteria and Alzheimers. This highlights the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums.