El gran escalador coreano Sung Taek Hong
“위대한 한국 산악인 ” 인터뷰
Entrevistado por Fer Insua y Carlos Eduardo Gonzalez
Publicada en Español e Ingles. Ingresa a la nota y desde allí accede a la versión en Ingles
The great Korean climber Sung Taek Hong
Interviewed by Fer Insua and Carlos Eduardo Gonzalez
Published in Spanish and English. Access the note and from there to the English version
Noel González Maluly Ferreyra Karina Franzi Rowan White
Sergi Mingote William Volcán Alessandro Filippini Stefan Nestler
Jorge Egocheaga en su nuevo intento Carlos Soria Fontán
Gabriel Guillar Facundo Arana Tagle Hernan Leal Pipi Cardell Marco Confortola Rajan Pokhrel Akbar Syed Anwar Syed Aldo Valencia Mingma G Billi Bierling Angela Benavides Fabian Oscar Gonzalez Nacho Montesinos Michael Hamill
#lhotse #himalaya #lhotsesouth
Spanish https://www.alpinismonline.com/2020/11501.asp